History at St Laurence's
History is our record of what happened in the past and why. Children at St Laurence's gain an understanding of the past, with relation to themselves, their families, community, the wider world and consider how the past influences the present.
End of Key Stage One Expectations
- Develop an awareness of the past
- Know where the people and events they study fit within a chronological framework
- Identify similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods
- Ask and answer questions, about key features of events
- Understand some of the ways in which we find out about the past and identify different
ways in which it is represented.
End of Key Stage Two Expectations
- Continue to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of British, local and world history
- Make connections, contrasts and trends over time and develop the appropriate use of historical terms
- Devise historically valid questions about change, cause, similarity and difference, and significance
- Construct informed responses that involve thoughtful selection and organisation of relevant historical information
- Understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources
History Aims at St Laurence's
Our chief aim is that all children will enjoy history and develop a curiosity about the past which informs our understanding of the present.
- Provide a programme of work that is suitably differentiated to meet the needs of all children
- Set work that is varied and challenging and promotes historical enquiry
- Develop a sense chronological understanding, relating to major historical periods, events and people
- Provide access to a range of sources of information to aid their development of historical enquiry
- Identify different ways in which the past is represented
- Provide work that covers local, national European and world history topics
- Make use of local museums, sites and speakers wherever possible
Through the History Curriculum at St. Laurence’s Primary School, we strive to inspire a curiosity within our children. We aim to develop an understanding of British History and that of the wider world. We work to develop an understanding of chronology as well as a knowledge and understanding of how the local area has changed over time.
By following a consistent programme of study, and adapting this to maximise the children’s learning experience, the children are given the opportunity to observe, interpret and evaluate a variety of sources in order to make deductions about the past. They are encouraged to think and behave as inquisitive historians and archaeologists. The children are also encouraged to create their own historical questions.
We investigate how and why their world has changed as well as what we can learn from the past to make the future a better place. British values are integrated into our History curriculum promoting values such as Mutual Respect, Democracy, Tolerance and Individual Liberty.
A Local History theme week is woven into the curriculum in order for our children to identify themselves and their surroundings within the timeline of History and to create an appetite and love for History learning. Assemblies, specialised drama sessions and school trips are used within the History curriculum to develop a deeper understanding of the time periods studied and to inspire the children so that they have a lifelong love of History.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum at St Laurence’s, within history children are given opportunities to read a range of texts and extracts that are linked to all topics within the history curriculum. Children also have access to variety of history based texts within class to allow them to apply their understanding in context and to enrich their learning experience.
Within history, there is a plethora of technical and challenging vocabulary and through our carefully designed curriculum we aim to close the gaps in children’s vocabulary and strive to allow all children to become confident and fluent in using a range of historically specific vocabulary, broadening their knowledge and understanding along the way.
The curriculum has been rigorously organised and established in full consultation with all teaching staff. It is regularly reviewed and developed in accordance with DfE guidelines, the School Improvement Plan, and following consultation with Governors, Parents, Children and Teaching Staff.
Leaders and subject leaders drive the development of their subjects throughout the whole school. This is embedded through a whole school aim of delivering highly effective teaching, supported through structured weekly planning and effective electronic and tangible resources. We support this teaching through a collaborative CPD programme for all staff enabling them to develop their own knowledge and skills, transferring this back into the classroom and onto our children.
The curriculum at St Laurence’s is designed and taught using strategies to enable children to embed their learning in their long term memories. This is achieved through a consistent approach to delivery across Key Stages such as the identification of key National Curriculum vocabulary, specific to the given topic. This broad vocabulary enables the pupils to make connections between periods and eras through a deeper understanding of terms such as: chronology, democracy, emigration and civilisation. Clear and well thought out sequences of learning and ongoing assessments ensure that new knowledge and skills build on prior learning. The children track their own knowledge and understanding of the specific historical vocabulary through a traffic light system both pre and post topic. This is a fluid working document.
Substantive knowledge (the specific, factual content for the subjects, which must be connected into a careful sequence - knowing ‘what) and disciplinary knowledge (the action taken within a particular subject to gain knowledge - Knowing ‘how to’) are at the core of how we teach the retrieval of language in previous, present and potential future historical topics. This is implemented through activities such as thinking and linking grids and regular informal quizzes and interactive games.
The progress of all children is closely monitored and the curriculum is designed to ensure that any gaps are closed. Discrete lessons are delivered to allow for clear progression. Assessment and tracking individual children’s progress is based on half termly assessments that ensure good or better progress. This impacts on accelerating the rate of progress for all, including those children with special educational needs. Vulnerable children and children with learning difficulties are identified early and well supported through intervention programmes that are individually tailored, effectively taught and closely monitored in terms of pupil outcomes.
Children have a variety of books for foundation subjects with additional records being kept on tapestry, floor books and Seesaw.
The impact of the teaching and learning of History is constantly reviewed through pupil and staff questionnaires, book scrutiny, learning walks and pupils interviews. We review the children’s knowledge retention and consider from a staff perspective: ’How are you ensuring ‘sticky learning’ in History?
This is assessed through the children engaging in sporadic mini-games and quizzes on a given topic area as well as completing informal formative assessments including attempting mind map and vocabulary tasks. These initiatives inform progress and identify areas for development in the individual pupil, while identifying the impact of the teaching during the topic as a whole in terms of its success and impact.
As a result of the above actions:
- Children are engaged and enjoy their history lessons.
- Children make good progress, building and consolidating their knowledge and skills, developing positive attitudes about history and its significance both now and in the past
- Children’s knowledge and understanding of interrelating periods are built on in each year group.
- Most children will achieve age-related expectations in History at the end of their cohort year.
- Children can retain knowledge that is pertinent to History with a real life context.
- Children are able to question ideas and reflect on knowledge; challenge secondary and primary sources.
- Children are confident in using and applying taught vocabulary across a range of subjects
- Teachers show consistent standards of teaching in each year group.
- Accurate assessment for learning takes place across the school.
- Children are well prepared for the next stage of education
Year 5 visit to Tatton Park