Year 3S 2024 - 2025
Mrs McClelland
Welcome to class 3S
The adults in the class are Mrs McClelland (Class Teacher)
Mrs Richardson (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs Lawless (1:1)
We just wanted to keep you informed in Year 3 of the things to remember:
Homework and reading books will go out each Friday and are to be read at home and returned the following Friday. Please encourage your child to read every night. Oxford Tree Reading books will only be changed if the reading diary has been signed by an adult.
RWI books will be given to children in class on the Friday and need to be returned to school the following Thursday.
Books in book bags will be for home reading only,
We will keep a book in school to read with your child.
Spellings will go out every Friday and children are encouraged to continue with their times tables practice at home also. Year 3 will be looking at 2,5 and 10 times tables. Usernames and passwords have been sent home for Times Tables Rockstars.
PE takes place on a Monday and Thursday this half term. Your child is expected to come to school wearing their PE kit for the whole day.
Our Class attendance target for this academic year is 96.5%. We would therefore encourage you not to take your child out of school during term time as this would have an adverse effect on your child's learning.
Children need to be in school, on time every day arriving between 8.40 and 8.55 a.m. for their learning to start.
To find out about our learning in Year 3, please see our yearly overview on the curriculum page.